uShip's Ship with Confidence Guarantee
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What does the "Ship with Confidence" Guarantee promise?
  • If you follow our Fraud Prevention Guidelines to ensure that your shipment is delivered safely, then the following applies.
  • In the event that payment is made to a uShip Service Provider and services are not rendered, uShip will reimburse your unrefunded payments up to $500*.
  • If your items are damaged, lost or stolen in transit, and you are unable to collect on a claim filed through uShip Cargo Insurance or your service provider’s insurance, uShip will compensate you up to $500**.
What is not covered?
  • Transactions that are consummated "off-site" as well as on-site transactions that are subsequently canceled.
  • Damage claims that do not follow the steps outlined in the damages guarantee clause.
  • Damage claims for items that fall under the following categories:
    • Pets
    • Horses & Livestock
    • Food and agriculture products (including flowers, cotton, plants, fresh foods)
    • Passengers
    • Junk
    • Aircraft
    • Personal effects such as jewelry, precious stones, metals, cash in transit, etc.
  • Problems that arise from not following our Fraud Prevention Guidelines.
How does the payments guarantee work?
  • 1.Every uShip transaction is automatically covered.
  • 2.Follow our Fraud Prevention Guidelines during the shipping process.
  • 3.Try to work out any issues directly with your Service Provider.
  • 4.Notify us immediately of any problems and give our support team a chance to help out.
  • 5.If we are unable to help you resolve the issue with your Service Provider, we will reimburse you up to $500*.

* Effective for transactions booked on or after September 1st, 2009.

How does the damages guarantee work?
  • 1.Take photos of the shipment at pickup.
  • 2.Try to work out any issues directly with your Service Provider.
  • 3.Notify us immediately of any problems and give our support team a chance to help out.
  • 4.Take photos of the shipment at delivery.
  • 5.Send us proof of delivery including a signed bill of lading and an official estimate of damages.
  • 6.In the case of stolen items, a police report is required.
  • 7.In case of lost items, only items included in the original listing will qualify.
  • 8.If your claim falls under the guidelines for payout, we will compensate you up to $500.

** Effective for transactions booked on or after December 7th, 2012.

Please view the "Ship with Confidence" Guarantee Terms & Conditions for more information.